Let that title sink in.

This sentence is punctuated with so many heartbreaking experiences that’ve led to it sinking in for me.

Work situations that should never have happened

Relationships that carried on for far too long

Missed opportunities that were shunned away

Numerous times when I should have spoken up but didn’t.

I decided my self worth was non negotiable when finally I realise so much in life stem upon it.

The way you show up authentically in your work

The way you related to friends and family

The way you run your business

The way you love.

Self worth is not taught in schools but it should be because we are now living in a society where it’s fast becoming overlooked.

I work with so many clients who on coming to me are scared to charge their work even when doing amazing transformational or creative work and providing great results for people.

Self worth rears its so called ugly head when it comes to pricing but why should it get a bad rep?

Surely both should go hand in hand?

We should be encouraged to believe in our worth and feel confident to determine it ourselves rather than others.

Men have this carved in stone it seems from birth  and no one questions when they adamantly say no to what they don’t believe is worthy of them.

So why is it women find it so hard to claim their worth when each and every one know and wants to shout I am worthy of so much more!!

Again I say its because society conditions us to undervalue it.

From adverts telling us to lose weight, be prettier, have more dates, eat less, stay at home, not think to big to society not giving equal pay hence setting up the notion successful women are aggressive or unattractive.

There are so many negative associations with standing up for you worth that its become obsolete for the younger generation. Get bigger eyebrows, paid for a nose job, inject your bum, stalk your guy until he loves you or get ghosted and just accept it seem to be the messages being put out there as acceptable self worth levels these days, how can this be?

Through coaching and mentoring creative entrepreneurs, musicians and women over the last couple of years the common issue holding people back from really thriving or getting clarity on their goals is self worth.

Low Self worth is stopping people thinking bigger – lack of vision or sense of purpose

Low self worth is stopping people from creating sustainable business  – pricing too low

Low self worth is stopping people from putting out fantastic content – lack of self belief

Low self worth is preventing people from getting their work out their – fear of visibility

Low self worth is holding people back from getting clear on their end goals – fear of not being good enough

When working with clients, an issue they might bring to the table almost 9 times out of 10 stems from low self worth with triggers low self belief and the plethora of other limiting beliefs that hold them back from success or really creating the life that they desire.

Your self worth is not negotiable I say.

Let that sink in.

You can wait all day for permission to be good enough, but you will be waiting a long time and more to the point – do you need it

You decided your worth.

You decide how good you are.

You decided what you are going to or able to achieve in life

And if someone does not agree with that… so what?

When I came to learn embrace, integrate, implement and embody this lesson, I changed as a person.

My mantra became, “ my self worth comes first”.

My overwhelm levels when new to business decreased

My relationships become more authentic because I spoke up when I felt these boundaries had been crossed

And my fear of visibility in my biz dissolved because I knew I was worth of sharing my voice and did so.

Self worth is not some personal development mumbo jumbo abused people need to embrace.

Self worth is an empowerment tool that benefits everybody as it promotes healthy respect for one another all round.